World of warships normandie wiki
World of warships normandie wiki

world of warships normandie wiki

Pepsicola (An afk is worth more than this ship, because an afk is usually safe in the spawn, using this ship not only contributes little to the team, but also helps out the enemy in points when an Amagi looks at it)Ītlanta (Oh I am great against DDs, lets go up there and…… I_Citadeled_UR_Ass (Amagi) “Devastating strike”) Yorck (Easy citadels, bad concealment, sluggish movement) New Orleans (You take an Atago, take away its strength of concealment/torpedo/repair and you got this ship) Less range than the kiev)Ĭolorado (Just why? Very low health pool, bad dispertion, low speed) Tashkent (More hp pool, but offset by easier to hit due to size. Sims/Mahan (Benson have superior concealment, guns, and torpedos) Hatsuharu (Fubuki have better concealment with T8 slot, more guns and more torpedos) Nagato (Amagi is simply better, it cant compete with T8 BBs)Īdmiral Hipper (Concealment is the main problem, leave killing CAs to your BBs) Kiev (Still pretty good, deal nice dmg with offensive smoke, good fire rate with shells that dont travel to space, bad concealment tho) Setback of bad dispertion and weakness to HE rain makes it below the other T8 BBs)īlys (Good guns and torps, but a T7 means it doesnt have the T8 concealment upgrade) NC (Tankiest BB and can bounce AP easily if angled. Mogami (155mm only, with DD meta the Mogami is the best CA to deal with them)įubuki (Lowest detection, guns are workable if you dont engage in extended combat, great torpedos) Carriers are not included due to how rare they are and in most cases, are mirrored.īenson (Oh yes, the DD meta, who wouldnt want to use a DD that have both the RU’s stronk guns and IJNs stealth torpedo ability? That concealment is another good reason why this ship stands above the rest)Īmagi/Tirpitz (Best BBs, Amagi with best guns and Tirpitz with protected citadel)Ītago (<10km concealment, guns do reliable dmg to every ship, great torpedos, repair) Note that this is based on personal experience/opinion, and I will try to explain each ship. World of Warships Ranked Ship Tier List by Your_ACT_Scoreīefore taking your T7/T8 ship into ranked, consider this tier list that I have made, some ships in ranked are simply out match by others.

World of warships normandie wiki